Rocky Hill Re-Entry CollaborativeOverview

205 Rocky Hill Road
Northampton, MA 01060

The Rocky Hill Re-Entry Collaborative (RHRC) is a collaboration between the Hampshire Sheriff’s Office and the Massachusetts Department of Parole. The goal of this program is to provide safe and supportive housing in a treatment oriented setting while assisting parolees in their transition back into the community. All residents of the Rocky Hill Re-Entry Collaborative Program are assigned to a House Mentor who will assist with case management and re-entry goals throughout their stay at the RHRC.

The goal of this program is to provide safe and supportive housing in a treatment oriented setting while assisting parolees in their transition back into the community.

The Rocky Hill Re-Entry Collaborative is staffed by House Mentors 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. During a resident's first day in the program the House Mentors on shift will assign the resident to a room, provide a program tour and meet with the new resident to explain program structure, rules and expectations. New residents are informed that there is a 48 hour period where they are expected to remain at the program; this allows the resident to become acclimated to the RHRC and for their assigned House Mentor to start to build a rapport with the client while assessing their specific re-entry needs.

House Mentors

RHRC House Mentors ensure that all residents are enrolled in Mass Health Coverage and apply for SNAP benefits within the first several days at the program. House Mentors offer ongoing support in navigating barriers with health coverage, finding primary care providers, helping to understand and navigate technology, navigating the bus system and to check in with regularity as the resident makes the adjustment from incarceration to re-entering back into the community.